Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hercules C-130

"Dunia penerbangan Indonesia kembali berduka, Pesawat Hercules jenis C-130 dengan nomor registrasi A1325 jatuh di Desa Geplak, Kecamatan Karas, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur, Rabu (20/5). Berikut informasi mengenai Pesawat Hercules

Pesawat Hercules milik TNI Angkatan Udara. (Foto Kompas)

C-130 Hercules adalah sebuah pesawat terbang bermesin empat turboprop yang bertugas sebagai pengangkat udara taktikal utama untuk pasukan militer di banyak bagian dunia. Mampu mendarat dan lepas landas dari runway yang pendek atau tidak disiapkan, awalnya dia adalah sebuah pengangkut tentara dan pesawat cargo yang sekarang ini juga digunakan untuk berbagai macam peran, termasuk infantri airborne, pengamatan cuaca, pengisian bahan bakar diudara, pemadam kebakaran udara, dan ambulan udara. Sekarang ini ada lebih dari 40 model Hercules, termasuk beberapa kapal selam, dan juga digunakan di lebih dari 50 negara. Melayani lebih dari 50 tahun, keluarga C-130 telah menciptakan rekor yang bagus untuk kehandalan dan daya tahannya, berpartisipasi dalam militer, sipil, dan bantuan kemanusiaan.

Macam versi
Pesawat Hercules jenis C-130

Versi Militer

AC-130U Hercules "U-Boat" (call sign Spooky).
At CYYT - St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Feb. 09.(

Kokpit Pesawat Hercules

Pesawat Hercules mengeluarkan flare (anti rudal).
Bentuknya seperti Angel Flare

Versi Sipil

Versi sipil sama dengan model C-130E

  • L-100: Civilian version, equivalent to the C-130E
  • L-100-20: Civilian version, stretched 8.3 ft (2.5 m)
  • L-100-30: Civilian version, stretched 15 ft (4.6 m)
Pesawat Hercules Versi Sipil

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tooth Impaction

"Gambar disebelah ini adalah gambar gigiku, kalo dilihat memang ada impaksi di ujung bawah kiri dan kanan, tapi yang aneh lagi, kata dokter gigi, gigiku seperti gigi manusia purba..... kok bisa ya?"

Kita bahas gigi impaksi dulu..

Impaksi Molar Tiga


Gigi molar tiga (gigi bungsu) adalah gigi yang terakhir tumbuh dan terletak di bagian paling belakang dari rahang. Biasanya gigi ini tumbuh pada akhir masa remaja atau pada awal usia 20-an. Pada usia inilah yang dianggap sebagai “age of wisdom” (usia di mana seseorang mulai bijaksana), sehingga gigi bungsu dalam bahasa Inggris disebut “wisdom teeth”. Normalnya tiap orang memiliki empat gigi molar tiga, masing-masing satu pada tiap sisi rahang. Tapi ada juga orang-orang yang tidak memiliki gigi bungsu ini.

Pada kebanyakan kasus, rahang seringkali tidak cukup besar untuk menampung gigi-gigi ini sehingga tidak dapat tumbuh sepenuhnya atau tetap berada di bawah gusi atau di dalam tulang. Keadaan inilah yang disebut impaksi. Impaksi adalah suatu keadaan di mana gigi mengalami hambatan dalam arah erupsinya / tumbuhnya, sehingga tidak dapat mencapai posisi yang seharusnya.

gbr1. Impaksi gigi molar

gbr2.Posisi impaksi gigi

Gigiku gigi Manusia Purba..

Kalo dilihat lebih dekat lagi.. ternyata yang dimaksud gigiku seperti "manuasi purba", gigi geraham bawahku ada 4, padahal yang umum cuma ada 3. Orang jadul (jaman dulu) memang gigi gerahamnya ada 4 karena penggunaanya juga buat makan yang lebih keras dibandingkan sekarang. Kebetulan belum ada informasi yang jelas kenapa saya bisa punya gigi seperti ini, dan berapa orang di dunia ini seperti saya.
Sekarang giginya sudah dicabut karena impaksi, jadi masih ada 3 geraham lagi.. akhirnya menjadi manusia normal deh. he.he.he

tapi Ini adalah kelebihan Allah yang diberikan kepada saya untuk bisa berbagi... Alhamdulillah

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Flu babi mulai menyerang

Mexico flu sparks worldwide fear

Mexico Flu Sparks worldwide fear

Mexican authorities have taken drastic measures to contain a new strain of the swine flu virus that has killed 81 and prompted fears of a global pandemic.

People are being urged to stay at home and maintain strict personal hygiene. Many schools, public buildings, bars and restaurants have been closed.

Non-fatal cases have been confirmed in the US and are likely in New Zealand.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that at least some of the cases are a new strain of the virus.

H1N1 is the same strain that causes seasonal flu outbreaks in humans, but the newly detected version contains genetic material from versions of flu which usually affect pigs and birds.

The respiratory virus - which infects pigs but only sporadically humans - is spread mainly through coughs and sneezes.

The WHO has warned the virus has the potential to become a pandemic.

Several countries in Asia and Latin America have begun screening airport passengers for symptoms

1918: The Spanish flu pandemic remains the most devastating outbreak of modern times - infecting up to 40% of the world's population and killing more than 50m people, with young adults particularly badly affected

1957: Asian flu killed two million people. Caused by a human form of the virus, H2N2, combining with a mutated strain found in wild ducks. The elderly were particularly vulnerable

1968: An outbreak first detected in Hong Kong, and caused by a strain known as H3N2, killed up to one million people globally, with those over 65 most likely to die.


Pandemic Concern

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are concerned that this outbreak may become a pandemic, because:

New strain
The virus is a new strain of influenza, from which human populations have not been vaccinated or naturally immunized.
Human transmission
The virus appears to infect by human-to-human transmission. Investigations of infected patients indicate no direct contact with swine, such as at a farm or agricultural fair. In contrast, for example, disease transmission in the last severe human outbreak of influenza, the bird flu that peaked in 2006, was determined to be almost entirely from direct contact between humans and birds.
The virus has produced severe disease in Mexico, and some deaths. Furthermore, in Mexico (but not in the United States) the illness has primarily struck young, healthy adults, much like the deadly Spanish Flu of 1918. This is unlike most influenza strains which produce the worst symptoms in young children, elderly adults, and others with weaker immune systems.
The virus has been detected in multiple regions within Mexico and multiple areas in the United States.
reff :

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BedBug (Cimex lectularius)

The bedbug (or bed bug) is an insect of the family Cimicidae that lives by hematophagy - feeding on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded hosts. Its name comes from its preferred habitat: mattresses, sofas, and other furniture. Although not strictly nocturnal, bedbugs are mainly active at night.


The common bedbug (Cimex lectularius) is the species best adapted to human environments. It is found in temperate climates throughout the world and feeds on human blood. Other species include Cimex hemipterus, found in tropical regions, which also infests poultry and bats, and Leptocimex boueti, found in the tropics of West Africa and South America, which infests bats and humans. Cimex pilosellus and Cimex pipistrella primarily infest bats, while Haematosiphon inodora, a species of North America, primarily infests poultry.

Adult bedbugs are reddish-brown, flattened, oval, and wingless, with microscopic hairs that give them a banded appearance. A common misconception is that they are not visible to the naked eye. Adults grow to 4–5 mm (1/8th – 3/16th of an inch) in length and do not move quickly enough to escape the notice of an attentive observer. Newly hatched nymphs are translucent, lighter in color and become browner as they moult and reach maturity. In size, they are often compared to lentils or apple seeds.

Feeding habits

Bedbugs are generally active just before dawn, with a peak feeding period about an hour before sunrise. However, they may attempt to feed at other times, given the opportunity, and have been observed to feed at any time of the day. They climb the walls to the ceiling and jump down on feeling a heat wave. Attracted by warmth and the presence of carbon dioxide, the bug pierces the skin of its host with two hollow tubes. With one tube it injects its saliva, which contains anticoagulants and anesthetics, while with the other it withdraws the blood of its host. After feeding for about five minutes, the bug returns to its hiding place. The bites cannot usually be felt until some minutes or hours later, as a dermatological reaction to the injected agents, and the first indication of a bite usually comes from the desire to scratch the bite site. Because of their dislike for sunlight, bedbugs come out at night.

Although bedbugs can live for a year or as much as eighteen months without feeding, they typically seek blood every five to ten days. Bedbugs that go dormant for lack of food often live longer than a year, well-fed specimens typically live six to nine months. Low infestations may be difficult to detect, and it is not unusual for the victim not to even realize they have bedbugs early on. Patterns of bites in a row or a cluster are typical as they may be disturbed while feeding. Bites may be found in a variety of places on the body.


In most observed cases, bites consist of a raised red bump or flat welt, and are often accompanied by intense itching. The red bump or welts are the result of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic contained in the bedbug's saliva, which is inserted into the blood of its victim. Bedbug bites may appear indistinguishable from mosquito bites, though they tend to last for longer periods. Bites may not become immediately visible, and can take up to nine days to appear. Bedbug bites tend to not have a red dot in the center such as is characteristic of flea bites. A trait shared with flea bites, however, is tendency towards arrangements of sequential bites. Bites are often aligned three in a row, giving rise to the colloquialism "breakfast, lunch and dinner." This may be caused by the bedbug being disturbed while eating, and relocating half an inch or so farther along the skin before resuming feeding. Alternatively, the arrangement of bites may be caused by the bedbug repeatedly searching for a blood vein. People react very differently to bedbugs, and individual responses vary with factors including skin type, environment, and the species of bug. In some rare cases, allergic reactions to the bites may cause nausea and illness. In a large number of cases, estimated to 50% of all people, there is no visible sign of bites whatsoever, greatly increasing the difficulty of identifying and eradicating infestations.

People commonly respond to bed bug infestations and their bites with anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Individuals may also get skin infections and scars from scratching the bedbug bite locations.

Most patients who are placed on systemic corticosteroids to treat the itching and burning often associated with bed bug bites find that the lesions are poorly responsive to this method of treatment. Antihistamines have been found to reduce itching in some cases, but they do not affect the appearance and duration of the lesions. Topical corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, have been reported to expediently resolve the lesions and decrease the associated itching.

Many patients also experience temporary relief of itching and inflammation with the application of hot water to the bite. The water should be quite hot (about 120 °F) because if it is not hot enough it may cause aggravation of the symptoms. The water should be hot enough to cause minor discomfort, but care must be taken not to burn the skin and this treatment should only be self-administered in order to reduce the risk of a burn. Itching and inflammation can be relieved for several hours by applying hot running water, a hot washcloth, or even using a blowdryer to heat the area of the bite, for 10 seconds to 1 minute (or longer if desired). There is disagreement as to why heat causes the symptoms to abate. Some hypotheses propose that heat overwhelms the nerve endings that signal itch, that heat neutralizes the chemical that causes the inflammation, or that heat triggers a large release of histamine causing a temporary histamine deficit in the area.

Disease transmission

Bedbugs seem to possess all of the necessary prerequisites for being capable of passing diseases from one host to another, but there have been no known cases of bed bugs passing disease from host to host. There are at least twenty-seven known pathogens (some estimates are as high as forty-one) that are capable of living inside a bed bug or on its mouthparts. Extensive testing has been done in laboratory settings that also conclude that bed bugs are unlikely to pass disease from one person to another. Therefore bedbugs are less dangerous than some more common insects such as the flea. However, transmission of Chagas disease or hepatitis B might be possible in appropriate settings.

The salivary fluid injected by bed bugs typically causes the skin to become irritated and inflamed, although individuals can differ in their sensitivity. Anaphylactoid reactions produced by the injection of serum and other nonspecific proteins are observed and there is the possibility that the saliva of the bedbugs may cause anaphylactic shock in a small percentage of people. It is also possible that sustained feeding by bedbugs may lead to anemia. It is also important to watch for and treat any secondary bacterial infection.

reff: From Wikipedia

Monday, April 20, 2009


Oprah joins Twitter

With Oprah Winfrey joining Twitter, expect an influx from Middle America, and a backlash from the press. But remember, it's all part of the technology Hype Cycle

Graph - Oprah followers v Jonathan Ross

Oprah's followers versus Jonathan Ross's at TwitterCounter

The big event on Twitter last week was Oprah Winfrey making her first tweet, live on her show, with the help of Twitter co-founder Ev Williams. "HI TWITTERS," she shouted, "THANK YOU FOR A WARM WELCOME. FEELING REALLY 21st CENTURY."

The show also crowned Ashton Kutcher King of Twitter for becoming the first user with a million followers, following a race with the CNN Breaking News account.

Oprah is a huge power in the US, as we have seen from her book club and magazine. Where Oprah leads, thousands if not hundreds of thousands follow -- starting with Gayle King from Oprah's magazine. Indeed, Oprah's own following has already zoomed past many of the UK's favourite tweeters, including Jonathan Ross. There's no telling where it will end.

If you missed the event, you can watch the two YouTube videos on the Mashable post, Ashton Kutcher and Evan Williams Talk Twitter With Oprah [Video].

Kutcher made the right noises about the "democratization of media" -- that "one man can have a voice that's as loud as an entire media company". He also talked about the ability to correct stories about him by talking directly to fans, instead of going through publicists, journalists and other intermediaries.

Whether Kutcher's achievement will survive close scrutiny is another matter. NowPublic has already questioned it in Ashton Kutcher Punks Twitter: A Giant Million Follower PR Stunt. It says:

This is not a story of the "little man" beating out "big media" — this is the story of a major Hollywood celebrity orchestrating a massive, social media publicity campaign that was specifically designed to promote himself, Twitter and, by extension, Ted Turner and CNN.

Kutcher's effort was promoted on 1,133 digital billboards, it says, and "as the race to the million follower finish line approached last night, Twitter users were suspiciously blocked from unfollowing either Ashton or CNN". It reckons the show needed someone to make the million, though (as suggested in comments) it might simply have been a way to prevent people gaming the system to try to win the prize for the millionth follower.

It also remains to be seen whether 4chan got involved. Members of this bulletin board belatedly entered the race, using hundreds of thousands of fake accounts.

Ev was less impressive than Kutcher, and ducked the chance to say something useful about Twitter policy on fakesters. Oprah pointed out that anyone could set up an account and pretend to be Oprah, so how would anyone know an account was the real thing? This is a serious problem that, at the moment, is being handled at the grass roots level by sites such as Valebrity. Ev's answer was that "our people know your people," which is no use at all to many millions of people with some species of fame.

Twitter is a tiny 30-person company, and if you are, for example, an actor on EastEnders or Corrie, or an author or a pop band, your people (if any) certainly don't know their people.

Still, Twitter was growing at a rapid rate, and Oprah's arrival is likely to boost it. This will make Twitter less select and less geeky, and that might attract different kinds of attack. Gartner analyst Mark Raskino, co-author of Mastering The Hype Cycle, thinks the process may already have started., His post, Classic Hype Cycle turn signal: 'Twitter Backlash' reported, picks up on a New York Observer headline that caught his attention: 'Twitter Sucks!' The Backlash Begins. Among other things, this points to "an entire blog devoted to chronicling the "Twitter Backlash".

Raskino says:

Remember the innovation is microblogging (and there are competitors) - so let's forget the company name for a moment. This technology innovation example is particularly interesting because the technology is of direct relevance to journalists and media people in their own jobs. So naturally they will discuss it more and the situation is unusually amplified. As they compete for audience attention we will tend to see more extreme hyperbole and backlash. That helps make this innovation a particularly clear reference example, as it passes through the early stages of the Hype Cycle.

The benefit of the Hype Cycle, of course, is that it helps you regard the backlash in the same way as the hype. Neither is worth taking too seriously: they're just a normal part of the way technologies grow up.

reff: Jack Schofield /

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