"Dunia penerbangan Indonesia kembali berduka, Pesawat Hercules jenis C-130 dengan nomor registrasi A1325 jatuh di Desa Geplak, Kecamatan Karas, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur, Rabu (20/5). Berikut informasi mengenai Pesawat Hercules
Macam versi Pesawat Hercules jenis C-130
Versi Militer
- C-130A/B/E/F/G/H/T tactical airlifter
- C-130J Super Hercules tactical airlifter, with new engines, avionics, and updated systems
- AC-130A/E/H/U gunship
- C-130D/D-6 ski-equipped version for snow and ice operations United States Air Force / Air National Guard
- DC-130 and GC-130 unmanned aerial vehicle control
- EC-130E/J Commando Solo USAF / Air National Guard Psychological operations version
- EC-130E Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center (ABCCC)
- EC-130H Compass Call, electronic warfare and electronic attack.[11]
- EC-130V AEW variant used by USCG for counter-narcotics missions [12]
- HC-130H/J/N/P special operations air-to-air refueling tanker, long-range surveillance, search and rescue
- JC-130 and NC-130 temporary and permanent conversion for flight test operations
- KC-130F/J/R/T United States Marine Corps aerial refueling tanker and tactical airlifter
- LC-130F/H/R USAF / Air National Guard ski-equipped version for Arctic and AntarcticUnited States Navy's Antarctic Development Squadron SIX (VXE-6) in support of the National Science Foundation support operations. Formerly operated by the
- MC-130E/H Combat Talon I/II (special operations)
- MC-130W Combat Spear (special operations)[13]
- MC-130P Combat Shadow (special operations)
- YMC-130H three modified under Operation Credible Sport for second Iran hostage crisis rescue attempt
- PC-130 maritime patrol
- RC-130 reconnaissance
- SC-130 search and rescue
- TC-130 aircrew training
- VC-130 VIP transport
- WC-130A/B/E/H/J weather reconnaissance ("Hurricane Hunter") version for USAF / Air Force Reserve Command in support of the NOAA/National Weather Service's National Hurricane Center
- CC-130E/H Hercules - designation for Canadian Forces Hercules aircraft
- C-130K Hercules designation for Royal Air Force Hercules C1/C2/C3 aircraft

At CYYT - St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Feb. 09.(www.herkybirds.com)
Versi Sipil
Versi sipil sama dengan model C-130E
- L-100: Civilian version, equivalent to the C-130E
- L-100-20: Civilian version, stretched 8.3 ft (2.5 m)
- L-100-30: Civilian version, stretched 15 ft (4.6 m)